HERE There are 5 signs you should shoot your next video remotely. There are many factors to consider when it comes to video production- location, budget, crew, and more all play a role in the final product. But what if you could eliminate some of those logistics and...
Top 3 Reasons to Choose a Virtual Photo Shoot
There are legitimate reasons why companies should choose virtual photo shoot over a traditional one. Virtual photo shoots are a great choice if you're looking for a new and innovative way to produce photos to market your products or services. In a world where...
Virtual Headshot Photo Shoot Guideline
WARDROBE GUIDELINE / GUIDE DE LA GARDE-ROBE WOMEN Use tailored suit jackets that fit your body perfectly. Have complimentary bottom in case we need to shoot mid-waist. Grey, blues, black with detail are great options for this...
Checklist for Video Content Ideas (5min Video)
Why have a checklist for prioritizing your video content ideas? Creating videos for business can be daunting but there are ways to make it easy by prioritizing video content ideas for your business. If you don’t know where to start, here are some criteria that you can...
17 Zoom Meeting Video Tricks for Looking Good
Zoom meetings are becoming our new norm. But you still have time to get ahead of the game and capitalize on your presence on this vital platform. I’ve created a list of 17 Zoom meeting video tricks so, as either a virtual meeting leader or attendee,...
The Complete Image List: How To Make Your Online Course Look Great!
Do you have a favourite online course? With the prolific boom of online courses, everyone is considering selling a course. But first, why join the bandwagon? An online course is a great way to solidify credibility and show your expertise. It is also one of the many...
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